
Water and Sanitation

Our team have extensive experience in urban and rural water supplies as well as hygiene, stakeholder and community engagement.

We provide services in engineering feasibility studies and design of water trunk mains, pumping stations, service reservoirs and distribution systems.

We combine our in-depth appreciation of pipeline hydraulics and the effect this has on capital, operating and maintenance costs to provide robust and optimum solutions for a range of viable engineering options. We recognise that water supply projects are subject to political and environmental constraints and in all cases we aim to deliver a balanced solution to our clients and the population served.

We have been involved in bulk treated and raw water transfer schemes. Such schemes have been evaluated considering capital and operating costs, benefits, environmental constraints as well as operational, regional and political factors.

Water supply projects undertaken vary widely and include:

  • studies, designs and construction supervision
  • support to multi-disciplinary water sector projects with a typical emphasis on environmental improvements
  • operational studies
  • investment planning
  • training and technological transfer
  • project management
  • post-project technical audits
  • research
  • environmental consultancy including environmental impact assessments, base-line studies and policy expertise

Water supply to cities and towns are generally abstracted from surface water sources such as rivers, dams and lakes. Such raw water sources have varying levels of quality and are subject to treatment in order to meet stringent drinking water quality standards. Water supply to some large industries, sensitive customers or smaller communities however may be best derived from groundwater sources that are generally subject to reduced level of treatment such as marginal disinfection.

The key areas of our water treatment expertise are:

  • Conventional, advanced and low cost water treatment

  • Procurement procedures and Project Management

  • Mathematical modelling of processes for hydraulic and control purposes

Asa company, we are at the front line of Climate Change and its impact on water such as the consequences of low rainfall and drought, and flooding. We are therefore dedicated to utilising our expertise to develop mitigation and adapt solutions for water resources, treatment and infrastructure including catchment management. We support and advice our clients on sources and innovative ways of funding for provision of water and sanitation services.

Our Capabilities

Civil Engineering – Bridges & Structures

Our expertise includes development of repair strategy for bridges and other structures (e.g. culverts, channels, retaining walls, manholes etc.), conducting inspections and recommending repair options, preparing contract documentation, procuring contractors and overseeing supervision of construction.

We are quality driven and work towards ensuring that construction is carried out in accordance with the contract specifications and respond promptly to technical queries raised by the contractor. The quality of materials and workmanship is closely monitored ensuring that any non-conformances identified are duly rectified. We Investigate work in progress at random to establish the cause of any variations from estimates that may arise and effect financial control.

Our commitment to health and safety is paramount, we review contractor’s method statements to ensure the industry health and safety requirements are being applied for the sake of operatives as well as members of the public. We endeavor to conduct quality audits of contractor records to ensure that the quality plan is being followed and update the client at regular progress meetings, keeping them informed of developments.

Transportation – Highway

Our experience and commitment to the total quality concept ensures efficient programming and supervision of major highway works including carriageway re-surfacing, re-construction and surface dressings. Our dedicated team will oversee the quality of construction and ensure compliance with specifications, conducting material tests and monitoring performance.

We have many years of experience in identifying, planning and implementing parking schemes on highways, analysing extensive parking surveys and data used during the design of parking schemes. Other areas of expertise include analysing accident statistics and speed survey data to design traffic calming measures and cycle routes.

Transportation - Railway

We provide rail engineering consultancy and advisory services through teams based in Ghana and the UK.  We have experts in railway systems, rolling stock, rail operations and infrastructure upgrade; many of whom have previously worked for infrastructure controllers, operators, manufacturers or contractors. We understand the vital need for robust systems integration and assurance and are able to address these. 

Examples of our services includes: alignment and trackform design, signalling, telecommunications, rolling stock, operations, safety assurance systems, mechanical and electrical systems, traction power, overhead lines, human factors and ergonomics and RAMS

We also offer our customers full detailed design to support design and build schemes and project management services covering all the elements of railway systems and infrastructure as a whole - all geared towards helping customers provide their users with a comfortable, reliable, safe and efficient service operation. 

Our project portfolio spans most forms of rail transport.  A brief cross-section includes:

  • Metros – London Underground and Docklands Light Railway.  Design and scoping of infrastructure projects, development of infrastructure capital investment plans, acting as the designated competent person for major upgrade projects

  • Interurban and regional rail – capacity and infrastructure improvement. Providing consultancy on signalling alterations/upgrades at Network Rail

To suit customer requirements we can also provide selective advisory, planning, expert witness and engineering services at any stage of a project’s development.  We understand the criticality of system safety in railway projects and have detailed arrangements in place to ensure that we comprehensively address all client and industry requirements at all stages in a projects development. 

TBN recognises the long-term planning and the high level of investment required for the delivery and management of railway transportation.  The services we provide in this sector include the development of business cases, design of implementation programmes and the management of delivery projects and programmes.  In addition we have been involved in developing long term business plans to ensure that the railway infrastructure is maintained, renewed and enhanced at a level that will be economically sustainable annually over a longer horizon.  Our experience in this field includes the delivery and management of Public Private Partnership (PPP) contracts including the setting of PPP performance targets.

TBN understands that rail projects are multidisciplinary and this needs to be about more than working on multiple aspects of the project at the same time. We realise that a truly multi-disciplinary approach is about breaking down the barriers between disciplines, sharing information across different asset groups. Through strong leadership, effective collaboration and the correct systems and processes we ensure that every team member shares the same vision for the project and works towards a single set of objectives.

Planning & Economics

Our work in this area includes the economic assessment of options for our clients leading to the appropriate timing and phasing of development projects and step change enhancements.

In this field we provide services to different sectors of the economy.  We work with governmental agencies and departments to provide an affordable business plan which addresses the specific needs of the population.  Our experiences include Transportation, Water Supply and Sanitation, Civil and Railways. 

Project Management

TBN provides expertise to support the scoping and securing of funds delivery and training of in-house staff for implementation of key projects.  Our expertise include process consultants who work closely with clients to build the processes that are required to effectively deliver asset, programme and project management throughout the business. They are all trained in rigorous methodology that ensures that the adopted processes are efficient, workable and consistently applied.

We also provide risk and reliability consultants who have experience in both quantitative and qualitative techniques.  Assisting clients to identify and develop risk and reliability mitigation plans from the onset.

Our Project Management services can be provided either as a standalone service or as part of a design and management service.  For the standalone service we will be responsible throughout all phases of the delivery of a particular project, portfolio or programme.  

Asset Management

TBN is involved in various aspects of Infrastructure Asset Management, these include:

  • Asset Management specialists who regularly advise and influence the direction of our clients. These are people who not only understand the client’s needs, but have developed and implemented asset management strategies and subsequently transferred this knowledge to others in our client base.
  • Data specialists who have a detailed understanding of the data that is required to manage assets on a life cycle basis. This includes asset register data, operational data and condition monitoring data, to a level of detail that ensures that asset degradation profiles can be created in support of capital replacement programmes linked to asset performance output.

Our organization has a proven reputation and a vast amount of experience in developing, maintaining and extending structures records. Encapsulating and updating in hard copy and/or electronic format the following information on assets;

  • Inspection data
  • Assessment documents
  • Drawings
  • Photographs
  • Maintenance data
  • Technical Approvals/Approval In Principle documents
  • Monitoring data